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Historic Vineyard Society Membership

Historic Vineyard Society

Dear friends,

Since Historic Vineyard Society (HVS) launched almost ten years ago, we have been driven by our commitment to preserving California's historic vineyards. Many of these vines have been around much longer than we all have, surviving two World Wars, Prohibition, and an ever-changing economy and climate. We started HVS to save historic vineyards, and our mission is even more important today as it was back then.

We are continually working to initiate projects that move this goal forward, but we need your help to do so. We have decided as a Board to open up an HVS membership, one that involves an annual commitment to HVS at various levels. Why? We continue to operate with almost no overhead, but we do have a small number of expenses to keep HVS up and running.

For those who want to take their involvement with HVS one step further, click the link below to make a commitment to supporting HVS each year. For as little as a few cents each day, you can help keep these precious vines in the ground. Thank you for your consideration, and as always, let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

Best, The HVS Board of Directors


HVS is a non-profit, 501 C-3 organization dedicated to the preservation of California’s historic vineyards. HVS’s Mission is accomplished through educating the wine-drinking public on the very special nature of this precious and depleting state, national, and global resource.


Historic grapevines are a Lodi trademark that sommeliers around the world literally drool over (seriously). Don’t keep these international treasures a secret! Please read the information below to have your historic grapevines added to the Historic Vineyard Society’s coveted list (…added bonus: it’s FREE to be included). By registering your historic vineyards, you help to increase the perceived value of Lodi winegrapes in the world market.

The HVS Vineyard Registry serves as a comprehensive, fact-based directory of California’s Heritage Vineyards. Vineyard criteria:

  • A currently producing California winegrape vineyard

    • Original planting date at least 50 years ago

    • At least 1/3 of existing producing vines can be traced back to the original planting date

To nominate a new vineyard for the Historic Vineyard Society Registry, follow this link: The HVS Board will review and notify you when your submitted vineyard has been reviewed and/or certified. If your vineyard is approved, you will have the option to purchase a Historic Vineyard Society sign to place in your vineyard and you can use the logo on your Vineyard Tech Sheet, which is a new tool offered by the Lodi Winegrape Commission to help you sell your grapes.

With all comments and inquiries, please contact

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